What We Offer

cartoon image of man walking dogs in parkland

Welcome to Smokefree Lancashire: Your Hub for Support & Resources

Explore below in our carousel for a wealth of proven support and resources tailored to guide you on your path to a smokefree life. From personalised guidance to community support, discover methods and products that have already shown success. Your journey to a healthier, smoke-free you starts here. Scroll to uncover the array of offerings awaiting you.

Explore our carousel for tailored support and resources on your journey to a smoke-free life.

If you want to be smokefree, we can help you commit to one of the best changes you will ever make to your life.

image of happy woman.  Woman with curly hair wearing a hoodie.
Since kicking the habit, I haven’t glanced back. Now, every meal is a flavour explosion, and I’m pocketing some extra cash too! No regrets, just a taste of the sweet, smokefree life
— Natasha Kirkbright