What We Offer

cartoon image of man walking dogs in parkland

Welcome to Smokefree Lancashire: Your Hub for Support & Resources

Explore below in our carousel for a wealth of proven support and resources tailored to guide you on your path to a smokefree life. From personalised guidance to community support, discover methods and products that have already shown success. Your journey to a healthier, smoke-free you starts here. Scroll to uncover the array of offerings awaiting you.

Explore our carousel for tailored support and resources on your journey to a smoke-free life.

If you want to be smokefree, we can help you commit to one of the best changes you will ever make to your life.

Since kicking the habit, I haven’t glanced back. Now, every meal is a flavour explosion, and I’m pocketing some extra cash too! No regrets, just a taste of the sweet, smokefree life
— Natasha Kirkbright